All electrical adders must be directly related to facilitating the installation of PV or PV + Battery installation.
Including an electrical adder in the Quote tool will be a separate option from Batteries. When including an electrical adder to your project, you'll want to make sure to select the correct option in the Adders section:
Details of all qualified adders are listed below. Items not listed below do not qualify for higher tier pricing/EPC payments.
1. Full Service Upgrade
Varies widely based on conditions, type of service, AHJ & Utility
Conditions: Services that do not meet current code, AHJ or Utility requirements, wire sizing is not supportive of system back feed. A full service upgrade may be precipitated by a meter relocation in order to adhere to current code standards.
Applies to:
PV Systems
PV Systems + Battery (partial or full home back up & arbitrage)
2. Main Service Panel Upgrade
Varies widely based on conditions, type of service, AHJ & Utility
Conditions: MSP that do not meet current code, AHJ or Utility requirements, of a disqualified class, shows signs of failure or corrosion or is not sized to support the proposed back feed.
Applies to:
PV Systems
PV Systems + Battery (partial or full home back up & arbitrage)
3. Single, two, three, four gang - Meter Upgrade
Largely dependent on # of meters
Varies widely based on conditions, type of service, AHJ & Utility
Conditions: Services that do not meet current code, AHJ or Utility requirements, shows signs of failure or corrosion or is not sized to support the proposed back feed.
Applies to:
PV Systems
PV Systems + Battery (partial or full home back up & arbitrage)
4. Sub Panel Insert
Takes the form of back up or critical loads panels
Inserting sub panel to avoid an MPU
Conditions: Existing Main panel is not suitable sized for back feed but the service is rated for the proposed back feed.
Applies to:
PV Systems
PV Systems + Battery (partial or full home back up & arbitrage)
Conditions: Can be used to avoid an MPU but subject to AHJ & Utility restrictions and approved components
Applies to:
PV Systems
PV Systems + Battery (partial or full home back up & arbitrage)
When reviewing the electrical conditions of a project, the system should be designed to avoid or replace certain panel and breaker manufacturers to ensure code compliance.
Key Disclaimers:
Interconnection (upstream or downstream) of any DQ panel types is prohibited under LightReach policy.
Elec Panel/Type | Status | Additional Considerations |
Fuse Box | DQ type - Replace | Not as reliable as circuit breakers, constant maintenance, need modification with bigger fuses due to higher demands for houses nowadays. The circuits are only rated for a specific amount of amps, so putting a larger amp fuse onto a smaller amp rated circuit is potentially dangerous. |
Federal Pacific/Stab-Lok | DQ type - Replace
| High rate of breaker failure, breakers often fail to trip, leading to overheated wiring that can lead to house fires. |
Pushmatic/Bulldog | DQ type - Replace | Obsolete, difficult to maintain. Circuit breakers fail to trip. Arching of the contacts within the breaker which causes them to weld together. All these concerns are considered to be potential shock and fire hazards. |
Zinsco / GTE Sylvania | DQ type - Replace | Obsolete. Circuit breakers fail to trip - failure rate much higher than what is considered an acceptable margin of safety. Potential fire hazard. |
60A Meter Button/Can | Upgrade | Old houses with 60A service likely to hav a 60A meter. Is not typically enough for modern electrical usage. Typically not approved by most AHJs or utilities. |
60A Service | Upgrade | Old houses with 60A service are not typically enough for modern electrical usage. Not approved by most AHJs or utilities. |
Challenger Panels | See right | Supply side/Line side tap is OK.
Backfeed breaker interconnections shall be done using a non-challenger breaker. |
Split Bus & Hot Bus Panels | AHJ Discretion | Not compliant for interconnection per NEC - but will be allowed if AHJ deems the panel is OK. |
Replacement Conditions
Regardless of the specific brand of panel, overall conditions should also be assessed, reviewing for the following. If any one of these conditions are met, replacement is required:
thermal damage
double lugged circuits or feeders
knob and tube wiring
rusted or corroded equipment
existing code violations, clearance issues, or overall safety concerns.
Examples: Click below to view
Federal Pacific Stab-Lok |
Pushamatic / Bulldog: |
Zinsco / GTE Sylvania: |
Split Bus Panels | |
Hot Bus Panels |
Fuse Box / screw in fuses and/or cartridges:
Challenger Issues / Dissimilar Breakers and UL Classified replacement | |
General Red Flags |