LightReach milestone requirements were designed by industry leaders with operations personnel in mind. You deliver quality to the homeowner, we make it simple to submit for milestone approvals. This article references a detailed breakdown of current milestones.
Notice to Proceed (NTP) is synonymous with a fully signed & executed order. It is LightReach's signal to the Certified Installer that the contract package is fully executed, and the Installer has the go ahead to proceed with installation. Note that LightReach does not audit the physical site at NTP -- it is the responsibility of the installer to ensure full site eligibility prior to installing.
NTP (M0) Requirements Include:
Initial account/system details
Underwriting documents
Signed contract & completed customer task
When all requirements are completed and validated, NTP will be granted. The fastest path to NTP approval is through the homeowner's web portal account, which provides an avenue to instant approval on all NTP items.
Installation is the first major operational milestone. The Certified Developer is signaling to LightReach that installation is physically complete, and accurate design documentation has been uploaded.
Installation (M1) Requirements Include:
Site Qualifying Review
Administrative uploads
Design Package Documents
Install Photo Documents
Activation is the second operational milestone (M2). This signals to LightReach that the system is complete and active, communicating, and all required documentation has been uploaded.
Activation (M2) Requirements Include:
Monitoring Portal Access
PTO Documentation
Incentive Documents (If Applicable)
Extended Warranty Documentation (If applicable)
Submitting In the Portal:
Installation and Activation milestones are specific sections within the portal that require a full set of uploads and a formal submission. NTP, by contrast, does not have a formal submission button--rather, simply complete all NTP requirements to receive NTP status automatically.
NTP: Submit all requirements, NTP granted automatically
Installation: Formal submission section + button
PTO: Formal submission section + button
Each M1 and M2 section is clearly marked in the LightReach portal. Follow these easy steps to submit.
1. Access the customer account and scroll down to the desired milestone package
2. Upload all requirement sets
3. When ready, finalize by clicking "Submit"
4. Resolving Rejections:
Statuses for rejections range from below. Once all necessary items are corrected, upload the adjusted document(s) and click the Submit button.
Not Completed: Item not uploaded
Missing Documentation: Missing part of a required item
Illegible Documentation: Blurry or low resolution uploads
Incorrect Documentation: Wrong item uploaded
Code Violation: Not acceptable to standard national or state codes
Poor Workmanship: Quality improvement or rework required