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Warranty & Service Information

Full breakdown of LightReach's Protect Warranty

Christina - Relationship Manager avatar
Written by Christina - Relationship Manager
Updated over a week ago

All LightReach Energy Plan sales include our most robust Protect coverage package. In addition to things like proactive monitoring, this Protect package also encompasses all of the various extended warranties for the homeowner.

During the sales process, homeowners can be assured that their Protect package will give them peace of mind and robust warranty coverage.


Covered By

Fine Print

Performance Guarantee


25 Year, 90%

3 Year True Ups, if necessary
Extreme scenarios such as force majeure, elective remodels, or customer-caused damage excluded from PG coverage.

Proactive Monitoring

& Service


General maintenance and upkeep.



10 Years

Roof Penetration


10 Years


Manufacturer + LightReach

25 Years unless otherwise specified


Manufacturer + LightReach

25 Years unless otherwise specified


Manufacturer + LightReach

25 Years unless otherwise specified





Customer reroof or renovation?

In the event of major home renovations (reroof/siding or major construction, etc) and the homeowner needs panels temporarily removed:

  1. Homeowner contacts LightReach to provide reasonable notice and coordinate timing

  2. Homeowner is issued invoice for equipment removal and reinstallation. Reconfiguration costs, if applicable, will be added (due to roof layout changes, etc).

  • Costs calculated on situation-by-situation basis, including labor rate at time of the renovations, number of panels and roof type/orientation, etc. In event of reconfiguration, any new interconnection, permitting, or other third party approval fees will apply.

  • Prices cannot be quoted in advance, and are influenced by multiple factors (listed above). However, a rough rule of thumb can be considered from $200-$500 per panel for removal and re-installation. Disclaimer: we publish this number as an example reference for our Installers. Installers should take every precaution in ensuring this example number is not treated as a firm quote for homeowners, as it can and will vary based on the unique site conditions.

  • Energy Plan billing will not be paused due to home renovations.


Who does customer contact for service?

Contact Palmetto CX via phone (855) 339-1831, email [email protected], or by submitting this form at


What services will cost the HO?

In general, billable services to the homeowner include anything initiated by the homeowner.

This includes two main areas.
1. Homeowner elective work: Such as panel cleaning, critter guards, temporary removal & reinstallation (R&R), renovations, etc.
2. Homeowner failure to maintain site: Such as critter damage, roof leak/damage inspection unrelated to solar, etc.

These situations are distinct from typical warrantied/covered service work, such as routine maintenance, parts replacements, etc.


Who is physically executing service work?

Generally speaking, a Palmetto technician (or Palmetto Independent Contractor) will be dispatched to provide service.

Depending on the specific issue and geographic location, Palmetto may also contract the Certified Installer to dispatch a technician directly. In such cases:

  • LightReach provides a work order with details on project and scope (via email, typically)

  • Upon completion, technician provides detailed report of work and invoice. So long as the report is fully detailed, the specific form software/medium does not necessarily matter (sitecapture, etc)

  • Invoice paid upon verification that the visit fully solved the issue at hand and system is operational.

  • Smaller, routine jobs (maintenance, inverter swap or troubleshooting) typically follow a standard price per visit, as set in the partner agreement. More unique or larger service visits may be custom quoted by the Certified Installer.


Service response times?

Non emergency work orders typically take 48-72 hours to process. As of 2024, median resolution time was approximately 14 days, depending on customer availability, any applicable costs, and other factors.

Emergency service is dispatched on an ASAP basis.


The equipment had a defect. Who pays?

Items such as equipment defects/repairs/replacements are covered under the Palmetto Energy Plan.


Is the Installer ever liable for costs?

Generally speaking, Certified Installers are not liable for costs associated with repairs.

However, in certain extreme scenarios (think egregious or intentional mis-installation), LightReach reserves the right to claw back applicable funds from the Certified Installer.

Again, these would generally only be in situations of an extreme nature.


Homeowner cell connection?

Cell cards are included


Force Majeure?

In the event of a catastrophic event, or force majeure, LightReach will replace the panels at no cost to the homeowner. LightReach assumes the risk associated with force majeure events. However, production guarantee during any down period of a force majeure event is not included. Additionally, we do not guarantee replacement/fix times due to a force majeure event.

Force majeure events are defined in the contract, and include scenarios such as extreme weather events or extreme geo-political events.

Example: A hurricane destroys a home and takes several months or years to rebuild. Panel replacements are covered, however, production guarantee does not apply to that down time.

Example: A panel is damaged by hail. LightReach will replace that panel at no cost to the homeowner, however, production guarantee does not apply to that down time.

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